Tuesday, April 13, 2010

And We're Back!

I probably really need a new blog, or at the very least a redesign, since I haven't been here in a year. But I don't see that happening this morning, so I shall merely proceed.

They say people have stopped blogging due to the expediency of status updates on sites like Facebook and Twitter. It is possible this has happened to me. I tweet a lot. Look to your right and we'll see if the widget is working. But lately, I keep having thoughts that are longer than 140 characters. I need a place to put them because I haven't been putting them anywhere. I used to love to blog. So I shall return to it.

Re-branding to follow when I have some energy/time... or just a more focused desire to rid myself of brain crack. (Further explanations of Brain Crack, and my quest to defeat it, can be found here, and here. We can definitely talk about that later.)

Today, I just need this blog back so I can link to a list of Webcomics to share with teens from my post over at the YALSA blog (where I do blog, about once a month). So I'm gonna do that and then we can talk about other things, like how my ambition to be a teen librarian has made me better at integrating technology into an elementary school curriculum, later.

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